Key Words / Themes:
vineyard, garden, work, sacraments, works of mercy, corporal works of mercy, spiritual works of mercy, fairness, envy, laziness, sloth, butterfly circus, liturgy of the hours, prayer, liturgical, answering the call, workers, landowner, money, babe ruth, prodigal son, self-dignity, vocation, call to holiness, laity, eternal life, grace, mercy, justice, work, idlenes
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine:
Theological Virtues (Charity)
Last Things (Judgment and Heaven / Purgatory)
Precepts of the Church (Mass, Needs of the Church)
Cardinal Virtues (Justice)
Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders)
Our Father (Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done)
Last Words of Christ (Behold your Mother)
Beatitudes (Blessed are those that mourn, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst)
Commandments (1st; Love of God)
Sins (Envy, Sloth)
Articles of the Creed (1st: God, Father Almighty, 9th: Holy Catholic Church)
Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Wisdom)
Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Generosity)
Rosary: Proclamation of the Kingdom (Desire for Holiness)