What are we asking Jesus for? In this Gospel Saints James and John ask to sit at His right and left in glory. Jesus asks if they can drink the cup He will drink, and be baptized with the baptism that He will be baptized. The packet discusses the lives of Saints James and John as well as how we share in Christ's suffering and baptism before sharing in His glory. This packet also includes a lesson on the meaning of service.
Key Words / Themes
Saint James, Saint John, Prayer, Suffering, Service, Rite of Baptism, Renunciation of Sin, Profession of Faith, Anointing with Chrism, White Garment, Candle, Ephphetha, inpersona Christi.
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine
Theological Virtues (Faith, Hope, Charity)
Sacraments (Baptism, Holy Orders)
Creed (Ascended to the right hand of the Father)