Key Words / Themes:
God the Father, Fathers, Protestants, Priests, Spiritual Fathers, Pharisees, Fatherlessness, Fatherhood, Mothers, Humility, humble, practice what you preach, preaching, practicing faith, respecting the Church, family, child of God, youth ministry, concupiscence, honor, power, wealth, pleasure, giving glory to God
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine:
Nature of God (Father)
Nature of Christ (Human and Divine)
The Two Commands of Love (Love of God)
Sacraments (All Sacraments, focus on priesthood and marriage)
Our Father (Our Father, hallowed be Thy name)
Hail Mary and the Angelus
Beatitudes (Blessed are the Poor in Spirit)
Deadly Sins (focus on concupiscence; honor, power, wealth, pleasure)
Articles of the Creed (1st – God, creator of heaven and earth)
Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Fear of the Lord)
Rosary: Humility (Annunciation)