Jesus wants us to remain in Him. Our sinful tendacy is to run rather than remain in Jesus. He is the Good Shepherd that brings us back. He thirsts for us, He calls us into union with Him. The disciple gives glory to God, when we remain in Him and when we bear much fruit in Him. To remain with Christ is to also remain in the Church. We remain in Christ and His Church in both body and heart. The Church gives us many graces necessary to stay united to Christ. The fruits of the Holy Spirit which are contained in one lesson of this packet. There are also lesson links provided for each fruit so that a retreat, series or mission can be created using the links.
Key Words / Themes:
vines and branches, humility, nothingness, The Good Shepherd, Emmaus, concupiscence, mercy, union, discipleship, devil, world, flesh, exorcism, AMDG, mortal sin, excommunication, justification, salvation, good works, hell, fruits of the Holy Spirit, Calvinism, Lutheranism, charity, peace, joy, kindness, patience, generosity, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, modesty, self-control, chastity
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine:
Theological Virtues – Charity
Nature of Christ – Vine and Branches
Last Things – Hell
Works of Penance – Good Works
Sacraments (Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist)
Our Father (Deliver us from evil)
Beatitudes – Blessed are the Meek
Seven Deadly Sins
Creed – 9th Article (Catholic Church – Unity); 10th Article (Forgiveness of Sins)
Fruits of the Holy Spirit – All of the fruits