For the Feast of the Ascension the Matthew 28 is read during Cycle A, Mark 16 is read during Cycle B, and Luke 24 is read during Cycle C. Please use the booklet and lessons below for any Cycle.
The spiritual fruit of the Ascension is hope. Jesus give his disciples hope. We are people of hope because we have been called to discipleship and know that Jesus will be with us always. Jesus commands the apostles to go out and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and to teach all that He commanded. Jesus trusts them and gives them a power that is different than the power that the world seeks, this power is eternal. How can someone be baptized if they do not believe? How can they believe if the Gospel has not be heard? How can the Gospel be heard if it is not preached? How can the Gospel be preached if no one is sent? The disciples and all the faithful are sent to preach the Gospel to every creature and thus all man can both believe and be baptized.
Key Words / Themes:
ascension, resurrection, Heaven, Mount of Olives, novena, hope, right hand, of the father, Most Blessed Sacrament, sacrament, hope, despair, disciple, discipleship, “I am with you always”, Mass, high altar, power, Baptizing, Baptism, infant baptism, immersion, sprinkling, re-baptized, Godparents, baptismal candle, baptismal robe, baptismal font, sacred chrism, RCIA, evangelization, re-evangelization, Saint Paul, prayer, belief, life, catechism
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine:
Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)
Beatitudes (Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for holiness)
Creed – 6th (Ascension in to Heaven); 11th (Resurrection)
Works of Mercy (Instruct the Ignorant)
The Rosary: Second Glorious Mystery – The Ascension