What does “Detraction” mean? Detraction is “Revealing something about another that is true but harmful to that person’s reputation. It is forbidden to reveal another person’s secret faults or defects, unless there is proportionate good involved. The fact that something is true does not, of itself, justify its disclosure. Detraction is a sin against justice. It robs one of what most people consider more important than riches, since a person has a strict right to his or her reputation whether it is deserved or not. (Etym. Latin detractio, a withdrawal)”[ii]
Give some examples of how we justify gossip and detract by saying “but it is true”. Why should “true” things still not be talked about? If it is “true” does it make it right to share? There are many true things about all of our lives. Just because it is true does not mean that we are proud of it and it does not mean that others need to know about it. “True” things should not be talked about if they bring scandal, if they hurt a person’s reputation or character, if they do not bring about “good” in proportion to the harm or hurt they could cause. Remember, just because it is true does not mean it needs to be shared.
Is it ever right to reveal another person’s faults? Yes, if the amount of harm that is done by doing so will be made up by the good that will occur because the fault was revealed. For example if you friend is doing something wrong and you feel you should tell their parents, teacher, priest, etc. Your friend will be embarrassed and maybe get punished but there may be great good that comes from it, in fact more good than the harm of embarrassment or punishment. What are some examples of this? If we are not sure whether we should say anything, what should we do? First, we should talk to our neighbor personally and in a gentle way. If he does not listen, we can make known his faults to his parents or superiors for the sake of punishment and reformation. Once again it is our duty to help the person out of sin, to say nothing could help keep them in sin. The danger we get into is when talk to people other than the person and the person’s parents and superiors. For example before talking to the person we might tell ten people about the situation, even using the person’s name and ask, “What do you think I should do?” This seeking advice could be harmful because we are telling others about the person and could be harming their reputation.
The steward in the gospel was justly accused on account of the goods he had wasted; but there are many who lose their good name and honor by false accusations and malicious talk! Alas, what great wrongs do detracting tongues cause in this world! How mean a vice is detraction, how seldom attention is paid to its evil, how rarely the injury is repaired![iii]
Activity - Toothpaste Contest
Have two or more contestants come to the front and give each a tube of toothpaste. On the count of three the contestants should press out all of the toothpaste as fast as they can. Check and see who the winner is and congratulate them. THEN… tell them the second part of the game. Whoever can get the toothpaste back in the tube the fastest is the winner… Count down and then see if they can do it. They will not be able to, just as when a person commits the sin of detraction it is very difficult to restore what has been said. The tube is the month and the paste is the harmful words that were said.
VIDEO – Pope Francis: if you speak ill of your brother, you kill him
Pope Francis spoke on the sins and grave dangers of what happens when we speak ill or gossip against our brothers and sisters.
What is the greatest thing a person owns? What is the greatest thing you own? If I stole money or any other material thing from a person, I would be punished and everyone would say I was wrong to do it. After I was punished I would be asked to give back the money or material thing. Our “good” reputation is far more important than money or material things, it is who we are as a person, but yet no one seems to care when one person steals another’s reputation or character. Rarely do people get punished and unlike money and material goods it is hard to give back.
Have we every…
[i] Most of this section taking from The Church’s Year
[ii] Fr. Hardon; Catholic Dictionary
[iii] The Church’s Year
[iv] Catholic.org