“You are the Master of the Universe”
The words of the Introit (Entrance Antiphon) say:
All things are submitted to your will, O Lord, and no one can resist your decisions: you have made all things, heaven and earth, and all that is contained under the vault of the sky; you are the master of the universe.
These words from scripture are of course true, but do we live them out? Are our relationships submitted to the will of God? How often do we individually and as a society resist His decisions in regard to relationships and sexual activity within those relationships? It is God who has not only made the individual, but He also made the institution of marriage. God made each individual in order to love and be loved, and since this is His desire, He has graciously given us the means necessary to love.
The question of this packet is this: God is the master of the universe, this we all believe and accept. Why do we struggle then in letting God be the master of our life? Especially our most intimate relationships? Saint Bernard says God’s will is the most powerful force in the universe, he also says that man’s free will is the second most powerful force in the universe. The goal of this packet is to educate in order to unite the will of man with the will of God; particularly in regards to relationships and marriage.
This packet is primarily educational rather than reflective mediation. In a society in which has both redefined and confused terms, we seek to clearly define marriage and other terms regarding marriage. The list of lessons below along with their summaries is given so that we can go more in depth with each topic. This packet may be used for marriage preparation and initial interviews to help people understand convalidations and annulments.
Marriage and all the other topics associated with marriage are sometimes very difficult to talk about and sometimes we are afraid to speak out and clearly state the truth. We are called to both truth and charity. We must speak up about the beauty and richness of the sacrament of marriage. We must realize marriage is under attack more than ever. It would be a good practice to read the spiritual reading contained in this packet prior to reading the packet. The packet gives the necessary information while the Spiritual Reading by Saint Gregory the Great give the necessary approach necessary in speaking the truth of marriage and related topics.
Suggested Link to Liturgy lessons that accompany this packet:
Search: Attacks on Sex, Love, and Marriage
Summary: This lesson goes through the sins against chastity as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. These attacks on chastity of course attack the beauty and purpose of the sexual act, love itself, and the institution of Marriage.
Search: Gift of Self (Chastity)
Summary: What is given in marriage is the gift of one person to another always concern for the good of the other. This lesson including the chastity chart gives an overview of what chastity is and how it must be understood in order to give the gift of self.
Search: Happily Ever After?
Summary: What is the end, the goal of marriage? A married couple will not always make each other “happy” but they should always make each other “holy”. Holiness is primary, happiness is secondary. It could also be said that a spouse is not called to make their spouse happy but to lead them to what will make them happy, namely heaven.
Search: Marriage: Permanent, Exclusive, and Procreative
Summary: Marriage by nature is permanent, exclusive, procreative, and heterosexual. This lesson covers the pillars of permanence, exclusivity, and openness to life. Please see this packet for lessons on why heterosexuality is a pillar and necessity of marriage.
Search: Matter and Form Part II (The Sacraments)
Summary: Marriage has both matter and form as do all the other Sacraments. Sacraments which lack matter and or form are invalid. An annulment is a declaration that the marriage in question was null and void. In other words, either form or matter was lacking.
Search: Necessity of Educating Children
Summary: One of the commitments that a couple makes when they have a sacramental marriage is to raise their children in the faith.
Search: Other Attacks against Life
Summary: Contraceptives are not only an attack against marriage but also an attack against life. One of the pillars of marriage is an openness to life. This lesson explains more in depth the evil of contraceptives.
Search: Sex: Its place and purpose
Summary: The sexual act is a necessity of marriage and is thus called the marital act. This act is reserved for marriage and thus if the sexual act is entered into outside of marriage it is contrary to God’s will. This lesson explains the place and purpose of the sexual act.
Search: Wedding Feast: We become the beloved
Summary: Marriage is an outward sign and witness to the world of the love of Christ toward His Church. The groom is a witness of Christ, the bride is a witness of the Church. This lessons speaks about how God married His people and how this marriage culminated in Christ and His Church.