Cycle A [2026]
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
Holy Family
Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time [2-12]
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
8th Sunday
12th Sunday
Ordinary Time [13-23]
13th Sunday
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
Ordinary Time [24-34]
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
34th Sunday
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
Holy Week & Triduum
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Cycle B [2027]
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
Holy Family
Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time [2-12]
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
10th Sunday
11th Sunday
12th Sunday
Ordinary Time [13-23]
13th Sunday
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
Ordinary Time [24-34]
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
34th Sunday
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
Holy Week & Triduum
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Cycle C [2025]
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
Holy Family
Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time [2-12]
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
8th Sunday
10th Sunday
11th Sunday
12th Sunday
Ordinary Time [13-23]
13th Sunday
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
Ordinary Time [24-34]
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
34th Sunday
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
Holy Week & Triduum
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Tridentine Lectionary
1st Sunday of Advent
2nd Sunday of Advent
3rd Sunday of Advent
Wednesday in Ember Week of Advent
Friday in Ember Week of Advent
Saturday in Ember Week of Advent
4th Sunday of Advent
Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord
Nativity of our Lord (Midnight)
Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity
Sunday after the Octave of the Nativity
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, Joseph
2nd Sunday after Epiphany
3rd Sunday after Epiphany
4th Sunday after Epiphany
5th Sunday after Epiphany
6th Sunday after Epiphany
Septuagessima Sunday
Sexagessima Sunday
Friday after Ash Wednesday
1st Sunday in Lent
Tues 1st Week of Lent
2nd Sunday in Lent
3rd Sunday in Lent
4th Sunday in Lent
Passion Sunday
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
2nd Sunday after Easter
3rd Sunday after Easter
4th Sunday after Easter
5th Sunday after Easter
Sunday after the Ascension
Time after Pentecost
Blessed Trinity Sunday
2nd Sunday after Pentecost
3rd Sunday after Pentecost
4th Sunday after Pentecost
5th Sunday after Pentecost
6th Sunday after Pentecost
7th Sunday after Pentecost
8th Sunday after Pentecost
9th Sunday after Pentecost
10th Sunday after Pentecost
11th Sunday after Pentecost
12th Sunday after Pentecost
13th Sunday after Pentecost
14th Sunday after Pentecost
15th Sunday after Pentecost
16th Sunday after Pentecost
17th Sunday after Pentecost
18th Sunday after Pentecost
19th Sunday after Pentecost
20th Sunday after Pentecost
21st Sunday after Pentecost
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
23rd Sunday after Pentecost
24th Sunday after Pentecost
Last Sunday after Pentecost
Kingship of Christ the King
Sts. Peter & Paul (June 29)
Exaltation of the Cross (Sept. 14)
Guardian Angels (Oct. 2)
All Saints (Nov. 1)
All Souls (Nov. 2)
Presentation of the Lord (Feb. 2)
Cycle A [2026]
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
Holy Family
Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time [2-12]
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
8th Sunday
Ordinary Time [13-23]
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
Ordinary Time [24-34]
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
34th Sunday
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
Holy Week & Triduum
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Cycle B [2027]
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
Holy Family
Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time [2-12]
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
11th Sunday
12th Sunday
Ordinary Time [13-23]
13th Sunday
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
Ordinary Time [24-34]
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
34th Sunday
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
Holy Week & Triduum
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Cycle C [2025]
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
Holy Family
Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time [2-12]
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
10th Sunday
11th Sunday
12th Sunday
Ordinary Time [13-23]
13th Sunday
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
Ordinary Time [24-34]
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
34th Sunday
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
Holy Week & Triduum
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Sts. Peter & Paul (June 29)
Exaltation of the Cross (Sept. 14)
Guardian Angels (Oct. 2)
All Saints (Nov. 1)
Matthew (A/V)
St. Matthew Audio Series
Mt. 1 (A/V)
Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son
Mt. 2 (A/V)
Epiphany: The Manifestation
Epiphany (3 Gifts)
Holy Lights
Our King, our HIgh Priest and Our Only Savior
Spiritual Direction from Wise Men
The Manifestation of the Glory of the Lord
Mt. 3 (A/V)
Prepare the Way of the Lord, Make Straight His Paths
Produce Good Fruits (Baptism and Confirmation)
Two Waters (Act of Contrition)
The Good, The True, The Beautiful
Jesus Christ - The Righteousness of God
Mt. 4 (A/V)
Repent! (Abortion)
40 Days
Temptation of Christ
Mt. 5 (A/V)
7 Sins / 8 Beatitudes
All Saints
Salt and Light
You are the Salt of the Earth
Your Light Must Shine
Unlawful Marriage
Jesus Christ is the Fulfilling of the Law
Christian Dignity
Jesus Christ - The True Measure of Righteousness
The Mystic Lamb and All the Saints
Feast of All Saints
Mt. 6 (A/V)
Your Heavenly Father
Rend your Heart and Not Your Garments
Seek First the Kingdom of God
Mt. 7 (A/V)
The Base of the Church
Mt. 11 (A/V)
Blessed is the One Who Takes No Offense at Me
Mt. 13 (A/V)
The Parable of the Sower and Soil
Heresy (2000 Years)
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
The Great Treasure - Jesus Christ
Mt. 14 (A/V)
All Who are Thirsty - Come!
The Still Small Voice of Conscience
Mt. 15 (A/V)
The Gospel, The Devil And the Dark Things
Mt. 16 (A/V)
Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church
His Kingdom, Transformation and Being Faithful
Upon this Rock
Mt. 17 (A/V)
Transfiguration and the Mass
Called to a Holy Life - Being Transformed by His Grace
Mt. 18 (A/V)
The Debt
Church Authority
Mt. 20 (A/V)
Workers in the Vineyard
Mt. 21 (A/V)
Two Sons
Old Vineyard & New Vineyard
Mt. 22 (A/V)
Few Are Chosen
The Invitation
God's Provision for Us in Christ
The Divine Image and the Salvation of Our Souls
Love is the Fulfilling of the Law
The Law and Love
Mt. 24 (A/V)
Offenses against Chastity (Sexual Sins)
Be Watchful, No One Knows the Day or the Hour
Mt. 25 (A/V)
Wick & Wax
Don't Bury That Gift
Feast of Christ the King
Mt. 27 (A/V)
The Passion of the Christ (Cycle A)
The Passion of the Christ (Cycle C)
To Our Wounds, Only God's Wounds Can Speak
Mt. 28 (A/V)
Feast of the Ascension (Cycle A)
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Cycle B)
Mark (A/V)
St. Mark Audio Series
Mk. 1 (A/V)
Repent and Believe in the Gospel
Prepare the Way of the Lord
Fishers of Men
Repent and Believe the Gospel
I Know Who You Are
Even the Unclean Spirits Obey Him
Liturgy & Popular Devotions
And in A Solitary Place He Prayed
The Sacraments
Our Compassionate Savior
Mk. 4 (A/V)
The Kingdom of God - A Mystery in our Midst
Who Then Is This, Who Even Wind And Sea Obey
Mk. 5 (A/V)
Freedom to Live Out Our Catholic Faith
Mk. 6 (A/V)
An Essential Aspect of the Gospel
Troubled Times And God's Compassionate Provision
Mk. 7 (A/V)
Be Doers of the Word
Here Is Your God
Mk. 8 (A/V)
Who is Jesus?
Discipleship (Chapters 8-10)
New Adam and the Mass
Mk. 9 (A/V)
The Mysterious Nature of Divine Love
Discipleship (Chapters 8-10)
Who is Jesus? What is Jesus?
What is the Gospel?
Hell is Real
Jesus Reveals Hell Is Real
Mk. 10 (A/V)
Marriage, Divorce, Adultery
Discipleship (Chapters 8-10)
The True Measure
The Gospel of Life
The Commandments (Proclamation, Catechesis, Moral Life)
One Thing
What Must I Do?
The Cup
No Neutral
Mk. 12 (A/V)
Mystical Body of Christ
Jesus Christ, The Sacrifice For Sin
Mk. 13 (A/V)
Civilization of Use
The Real Gift of Advent and Christmas
Last Things (feat. Fr. Mullan)
The Last Things
Mk. 14 (A/V)
Corpus Christi
Mk. 16 (A/V)
Feast of Ascension (Cycle B)
Luke (A/V)
St. Luke Audio Series
Lk. 1 (A/V)
Because He Love You
Fruit of Thy Womb (Hail Mary)
O Come Let us Adore Him
The Handmaid of the Lord
Annunciation Slide Show
The Role and Place of Mary
Immaculate Conception
Lk. 2 (A/V)
Mary, Mother of God
The Holy Family: The True Measure
The Feast of the Holy Family
Lk. 3 [A/V]
Original Sin
Mortal & Venial Sin
Prepare the Way
The Lame Shall L.E.A.P.
Preparing for the Coming of Christ
Are You In The House?
Whoever is in Christ is a New Creation
Lk. 4 (A/V)
Six Shooter
Saved by the Obedience of Christ
The Hour Grows Late
Country Club
Where Are You Going?
Lk. 5 (A/V)
Into the Deep
A Great Catch
A Vocation to the Priesthood
Lk. 7 (A/V)
Reality of Sin
Jesus Christ, His Redeeming Love
Lk. 9 (A/V)
Mass of the Faithful
Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi
Evangelical Counsels and the Holy Hill
True Discipleship and the Salvation of Your Soul
Is Your Citizenship in Heaven?
The Holy Mass: A Fountain Opened
Lk. 10 (A/V)
Who's On The Throne?
Mary and Martha
Lk. 12 (A/V)
What's Your Harvest?
Lk. 13 (A/V)
The Narrow Gate, The Gospel and the Kingdom of Heaven
Saint Peter, His Profession and His Successors
Lk. 14 (A/V)
Discipleship: The Path of True Fulfilment
Lk. 15 (A/V)
Are You In The House?
Dignity of Man
Son or Slave?
The Scandal of the Divine Mercy
Lk. 16 (A/V)
God, Mammon and the Salvation of our Souls
Temporal and Spiritual
Reality of Hell
Jesus Christ and the Reality of Hell
Lk. 17 (A/V)
Shield of Faith
Respect Life
Ten Lepers
Your Faith in Jesus Christ Will Save You
Lk. 18 (A/V)
Those in Authority
The Foundation of the Moral Principles of Our Faith
Prayer: Lifting Heart and Mind
A Call to Humility: A Call to Noble Strength
Lk. 19 (A/V)
It's All Grace
Anatomy Of Genuine Conversion
Lk. 20 (A/V)
Road to Intimacy
The Bodily Resurrection of the Just
Lk. 21 (A/V)
The Threefold Visit of Christ
Jesus: The Rule
Be Watchful!
The Time Has Come
Lk. 23 (A/V)
The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ - King of the Universe
Lk. 24 (A/V)
Triduum & Types
Emmaus Top 10
Known Him in the Breaking of the Bread
Repentance For The Forgiveness of Sins
John (A/V)
St. John Audio Series
Jn. 1 (A/V)
Behold the Lamb of God
The Sin of the World
The New Lies Hidden in the Old
My Own Way, In My Own Time
The First and Second Advent of Christ
The Lamb of God
Lamb of God (Passover Practices)
Behold the Lamb of God
Jn. 2 (A/V)
Instruction Videos - The Order of the Mass
Procession & Introductory Rites
Eucharistic Prayer
Agnus Dei
Behind the Sanctuary
Solemn Compline (Night Prayer)
God's Temple
Loving God, The Commandments And Our Salvation
You are Temples of the Living God
Life and Marriage
Has He Kept the Good wine Until Now
Jn. 3 (A/V)
Feast of the Most Holy Trinity (Cycle A)
Holy Trinity
Restore the Loss
Faith & Works
Christian Recognize Your Dignity
Holy Cross: Top 10
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Good Friday
Jn. 4 (A/V)
Jesus, the Water of Everlasting Life
Conversation to Conversion
The Well and the Cross
Bringing Back the Bride
Jn. 6 (A/V)
All Who are Thirsty - Come!
Feast of Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi
Live In A Manner Worthy Of The Call You Have Received
I Still Hunger I Still Thirst Why?
Behold Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
His Body and Blood
The Great Provision / The Great Divide
Jn. 8 (A/V)
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin
The Gospel of Transforming Love and Redeeming Grace
Jn. 9 (A/V)
500 Years of Blindness
Baptism: The Washing of Regeneration and the Life of Sanctifying Grace
Jn. 10 (A/V)
I am the Good Shepherd
Green Pastures
Christ the Good Shepherd - The Real Jesus
Truth and Lies (Relativism)
Shepherd Becomes the Lamb
Jn. 11 (A/V)
Seven Words
Google World
Rising from the Dead to Newness of Life
Jn. 12 (A/V)
Last Supper / Last Chance
Jn. 13 (A/V)
Lamb of God (Passover Practices)
Last Supper - Last Chance
Triduum (Holy Thursday)
Love One Another As I Have Loved You
Jn. 14 (A/V)
Beautiful, True, Good
Sanctifying Christ as Lord in your Hearts
Heaven Sent
Last Supper
The Way, The Truth, The Life
The Last Supper
Peace of Christ - Anchor of the Soul
Jn. 15 (A/V)
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Love, Freedom and the Human Person
The Commandments of God
Jn. 16 (A/V)
Trinity Sunday (Cycle C)
Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Mass
The Coming of the Holy Spirit - in presence and in power
Jn. 18 (A/V)
Four Marks (Introduction)
The Lord's Passion
Nature of the Church
Christ - The Now and Future King
Jn. 19 (A/V)
Jn. 20 (A/V)
The First Day
The Presence of Christ
Dead + Risen = Faith
He is Truly Risen and the Difference it Makes!
Christ is Risen!
For the Sake...
Save Us From Our Sins
Justice & Mercy
My Lord and My God
The Feast of Pentecost
Misc. (A/V)
10+ Videos
The Most Important Issue of Our Time: Abortion
Repent and Believe the Gospel
Repent! (Abortion)
Gospel of Life
The Hour Grows Late
Confirmation: Completes Baptismal Grace
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Pasch & Pentecost
Patron Saints
Power of Pentecost: Upper Room
What does Confirmation Do for Me?
Muhammad and Islam
Scripture: LESSONS
Mt. 1
Do You Trust Me?
Las Posadas
Mary Ever Virgin
Not Yet Counted by Men
Saint Joseph - A Man of Humbleness and Obedience
Mt. 2
Adoring Jesus then and adoring Him now
Forming Our Conscience
Retreat: Why it can be a good thing
The Epiphany
The Gifts: Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
Worship in Truth
Mt. 3
Baptism of the Lord
Fear of the Lord
John the Baptist
Pleasing God
Repent and Sin No More
The Virtue of Docility [Part 1]
The Virtue of Docility [Part 2]
The Voice of God
Mt. 4
Give Yourself Away
The Priesthood: A Gift of Self
We are a Gift!
Abstinence and Fasting
Three Temptations of Christ
Mt. 5
Beatitude: The desire for happiness
The Beatitudes: Part 1
The Beatitudes: Part 2
Salt of the Earth
Light of the World
The Public Nature of Discipleship
Act of Charity: Faith in Action
Be Human: No Less, No More (Part I)
Be Human: No Less, No More (Part II)
Lust (Part I)
Lust (Part II)
Loving Your Enemies
Path of Perfection
All Saints Day
Venerating Saints
How to be a Saint
Canonization: Process to Become a Canonized Saint
Patron Saints
Patron Saints (You Make Me Better)
Here Comes the Bride
Mt. 6
What do we seek?
The Attractiveness of Earthly Goods
Material vs. Spiritual
Mt. 7
Not simply repeating his name
Staying close to the Church (Part 1)
Staying close to the Church (Part 2)
Thy will be done
Mt. 11
Guarding One’s Heart
John the Baptist: More than a Prophet
Rejoice and Prepare
Childlike Faith
Jesus: The Stress Reliever
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Mt. 13
Poor Soil (Part 1)
Poor Soil (Part 2)
Rich Soil
Purpose of Parables
The Wheat and the Weeds
Heresy by the Century (1st - 10th)
Heresy by the Century (11th - 20th)
Mustard Seed
Finding Treasure (Part 1)
Finding Treasure (Part 2)
Living Minimally
Casting Out the Net
Mt. 14
The Spirit is Willing, the Flesh is Weak
God, come to my assistance
Prayer and Liturgy: The Deserted Place
Feeding of the Five Thousand: Left Overs
Do Not Be Afraid
Have Courage
Mt. 15
Christian Prayer
Prayer: The Priestly Ministry of Christ
The Persistence of Prayer
Salvation for All
Mt. 16
Love for the Pope
Speak for Yourself
Spiritual Direction
Revelation: Not always what we expect
What are you thinking? How are you thinking?
Getting Drunk
Entitlement: I deserve it
Calling you out: Taking Correction
Deny Self, Pick up Cross, Follow Me
Peter and Paul
Mt. 17
The Cross: Hope not Scandal
Feelings or Faith
Sin to Grace
Mt. 18
Church Authority
A Family of Prayer
Confronting Sin
Wrath and Hatred
Seventy-Seven Times: Unlimited Forgiveness
The Insurmountable Debt
Guardian Angels (Protectors and Guides)
Mt. 20
The Vineyard: Grace and Mercy
The Vineyard: God is always calling
Butterfly Circus
Living Liturgically
Called to Work in the Vineyard
Pessimism of Working
Mt. 21
To Obey is to do Your Will
The Kingdom of God
More than Words
The Vineyard
The Stone that was Rejected
Palm Sunday
Mt. 22
The Father invites all to reconcile
The Wedding Feast: We become the beloved
The Mass: all are invited
Wardrobes and Garments
Personal Finances
Entrapment of Words
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Love God with all your Heart
Love God with all your Soul
Love God with all your Mind
Mt. 23
Call No Man Father?
Practice What You Preach
Mt. 24
Live in This World, but Not of This World
The Falseness of the Rapture Theory
Mt. 25
Waiting and Watching (Part I)
Waiting and Watching (Part II)
Eternal Life
Talents Needed
Lease on Life
Risk Taking
Christ the King/Final Judgement
Mystical Body of Christ
Corporal Works of Mercy
Saint John Paul II and Matthew 25 [Part I]
Saint John Paul II and Matthew 25 [Part II]
Mt. 26
The Last Supper
Faith Shaken
Mt. 27
Love of the Cross
Mt. 28
The Ascension
Go and make disciples
Receive the Power
Call to Baptism
Holy Trinity: The Secret is Out
Mk. 1
The Enemy
40 for 40
Communion with Jesus
Immediately without Hesitation
Christ’s Supremacy and Authority
The Holy Name of Jesus
Possession and Obsession
Jesus' Purpose: To Preach and Heal
Seeking God
What a Pity
Sacraments: Grace is Given
Sacraments: The Work Performed
Sacraments: Their Purpose
Mk. 2
The Four Friends
Easier to Forgive or to Heal?
Magic or Miracle
Mk. 3
Culture of Life: A House Divided
Mk. 4
He Spoke in Parables
The Interior Life
The Kingdom Revealed
Jesus in Control
Prayer in the Midst of Storms
Mk. 5
Faith: Words and Works
God is Dead?
Prayer: Spoken and Unspoken
Mk. 6
Spiritual Brotherhood
His Own Country
House Blessing
Missionaries: The Life of the Church
Our Search for Truth
Compassion and Toleration
Mk. 7
Clean of Heart
Dogma, Doctrine, Discipline
Good vs. Evil from Within
The Mute and Deaf Man (Sacramental Life)
The Effects of the Sacraments
Matter and Form Part I (The Sacraments)
Matter and Form Part II (The Sacraments)
Mk. 8
Complicating Our Lives
Who do you say I am?
Willing to do whatever it takes
Mk. 9
Following Orders
A Glimpse of Heaven
Between Earth and Heaven
Truth and Holiness
Appealing or Not?
Religion: Not just for Religious
Save our self, save others
Mk. 10
Marriage: Master of the Universe
Marriage: The Four F's
Marriage: The Rite
Offenses against Marriage
So Called Gay Marriage
The Value of Wisdom
Fleeting Wealth
Sacraments or Holiness
Be Careful What You Ask For
To Serve
Baptism: To Put On Christ
James and John
Don't Miss Your Chance
Liturgy of Light, Joy, and Faith
What do we want from Christ?
Mk. 12
Sincerely Asking Questions
The Decalogue
The Commandments: Timeless
Love and Charity
Christian Charity
Love for the Poor
Detachment from Things
Mystical Body of Christ
Mk. 13
Patience is a Virtue
Preparing to receive Jesus
Leaving Us with Shepherds
Eschatology: Introduction
Eschatology: Death
Eschatology: Judgement
Eschatology: Heaven
Eschatology: Hell
Eschatology: Purgatory
Mk. 16
Send. Preach. Believe. Be Baptized.
Lk. 1
Why the Hail Mary?
Jesus is the Center
Jesus is the Center (the Magnificat)
Immaculate Conception
The Annunciation
Mary's Fiat (and the effects)
Full of Grace
Double Greeting
Blessed Among Women
Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Matter vs. Mater (Part 1)
Matter vs. Mater (Part 2)
Mother of God, Mother of all, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Holy Mary, Ever Virgin (Part 1)
Hail Mary: Holy Mary, Ever Virgin (Part 2)
Pray for us Sinners
Pray for us Sinners (Three Battles)
The Assumption
Assumption and Atheism
Fear and Fatima
The Rosary
The Visitation
Mary, the Mediatrix of Grace
Name of Jesus
Lk. 2
Purpose of Jesus’ Birth
Seeking the Child Jesus
Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Glory for the Jews; Light for the Gentiles
Lk. 3
Bringing Others to Repentance
Call to Conversion
Now is the Time
O Antiphons [Introduction]
O Wisdom [Prudence & Marriage]
O Adonai [Charity & Holy Orders]
O Root of Jesse [Temperance & Baptism]
O Key of David [Hope & Reconciliation]
O Orient! [Justice & Anointing of the Sick]
O King of Nations! [Fortitude & Confirmation]
O Emmanuel [Faith & Eucharist]
L.E.A.P. Spiritual Resolution
The Prodigal Son: Lost Feeling
The Older Son: Pride
The Father
The Effects of Sin
Lk. 4
The Holy Spirit and Divine Life
Kingdom of the Poor
Spiritual Reading
American Blesseds and Venerables
Introduction and Implementation
St. Damien de Veuster of Molokai, SS.CC.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, S.C.
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, M.S.C.
St. Isaac Jogues, S.J.
St. John Neumann, C.Ss.R.
St. Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Katherine Drexel, S.B.S.
St. Marianne Cope, O.S.F.
St. Mother Theodore Guerin, S.P.
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, R.S.C.J.
Lk. 5
Fishers of Men
Follow Me
In Persona Christi
Lk. 7
Do Not Weep
Death and Resurrection
Funeral Rite
Receiving the Lord
Postures and Gestures [Part 1]
Postures and Gestures (Part 2)
Lk. 9
Forms of Penance
Filial Fear / Filial Love
Evangelical Counsels: A Summary
Evangelical Counsels: The Life of Christ
Following Jesus: What to expect
Lk. 10
The Fall of Satan
Violence and Hatred
Peace in the Home
Cooperating with the Divine Plan
Who is My Neighbor?
The Good Samaritan
The Sin of Omission
Anointing of the Sick
Natural Law
Martha and Mary: Welcoming Jesus
Mary and Martha: One thing necessary
Sit and Listen: Liturgy and Prayer
Lk. 11
Our Father and the Sacraments
Our Father: Summary of the Gospel
Our Father: Deliver us from Evil
Our Father: Forgive us our trespasses
Our Father: Give us this day our daily bread
Our Father: Thy kingdom come Thy will be done
Lk. 12
God Shaped Hole
Jesus as Judge
No Peace?
God’s Burning Love
Love in Words and Deeds
Lk. 13
Every Choice Matters
Y.O.L.O. (You Only Live Once)
Leading others to Sin
The Roads to Heaven and Hell
Prayer: Light of the Spirit
Are we Saved?
The Christian: A House of Prayer
Lk. 14
Is it a "good" or a "god"?
Detachment is the first of four steps
Counting the Cost of Discipleship
Lk. 15
The Dignity of Man
The Image of God
Blessed are the Merciful
Lk. 16
Gifts and Goods
Money or God
Actions have Consequences
Choir of Angels
Lk. 17
Once Saved always Saved?
Faith without Benefits
Faith: Seed, Root, Shoot, Fruit (Sacraments)
In God we still Trust
Justice: Thanks and Praise
"One" Catholic Church
The Remedy for Sin
Lk. 18
Pray without Ceasing
Perseverance: The Power of Prayer
Striving for Faithfulness
Poor in Spirit
Humility the Foundation of Prayer
Made Right with God
Dependence or Despair
Lk. 19
Thou Shall Not Steal
Mercy and Generosity
Jesus Seeks and Saves the Lost
Lectio Divina (Divine Reading)
Lk. 20
Resurrection: The Power of God
Is the Body Bad?
God of the Living
Happily ever after?
Lk. 21
Be Sober and Vigilant
Conversion: Heart and Soul
Sin: Poop in the Brownies
What is Sin?
End of the World: The Signs
End of Times
Life Lock
Lk. 23
The Kingdom of God
Mission of the Church: Church and State
Sneer and Jeer: Church and State
Take Me to Your Leader
Lk. 24
The Sabbath
Why so Sad? Part I
Why so Sad? Part II
Mass: Two Parts
Jn. 1
Lamb of God [Part 1]
Lamb of God [Part 2]
Jesus' Superiority
Frequent Forgiveness
Messianic Fulfillment
Adopted Brothers and Sisters
Jesus on Trial
Christian Happiness
St. Andrew
Staying with the Lord
The Foundation of the Church
Living the Life of Purity
Jn. 2
Introduction: What is the GIRM?
The Importance of Liturgy
We have a Rite (The Roman Rite)
The Role of the Priest (at Mass)
The Role of the Ministers
The Role of the Choir
The Role of the People
The Order of the Mass: Introductory Rites
The Order of the Mass: The Liturgy of the Word
The Order of the Mass: The Liturgy of the Eucharist [Offertory]
The Order of the Mass: The Liturgy of the Eucharist [Eucharistic Prayer]
The Order of the Mass: The Liturgy of the Eucharist [After Consecration]
The Order of the Mass: The Liturgy of the Eucharist [Communion]
The Order of the Mass: The Concluding Rites
Marriage: Who's Invited?
New Vine, New Wine
Jn. 3
Passion of God
Passion for God
The Bronze Serpent
Holy Trinity: One God in Three Persons
Holy Trinity: Eternal Exchange of Love
Scripture and the Trinity
The Cross: A privileged place
Lift high the Cross
No Greater Love
The Cross: Trophy of Victory
The Cross: “In Hoc Vince”
Jn. 4
Conversation to Conversion
Sacraments of Initiation
Works of Mercy
Lay it Down
Jn. 6
The Eucharist: My Flesh
The School of Prayer
A Year before the Passion
This is My Body: Introduction
Bread of Life Basics [Part 1]
Bread of Life Basics [Part 2]
Love Does Such Things
Closed and Hard Hearts
Receiving the Eucharist
The Twelve Stations of the Most Holy Eucharist [1 to 5]
The Twelve Stations of the Most Holy Eucharist [6 to 12]
Corpus Christi
Banquet or Dumpster?
The Nature of Receiving: Tongue or Hand?
Liturgy of the Eucharist [Part 1]
Liturgy of the Eucharist [Part 2]
Jn. 8
The Penitent: Redemption and Reparation
The Penitent: Atonement and Satisfaction
Saint Mary Magdalene: The Penitent
Jn. 9
Jesus: Priest, Prophet, King
God’s grace to change our inabilities
Blinded since birth
Jn. 10
Shepherd and Gate
Life to the Fullest
One Flock, One Shepherd
The Image of the Good Shepherd
Love Between God the Father and God the Son
What is Good?
What is Evil?
Virtue and Vice
Jn. 11
Divinity is Red; Humanity is Blue
Jesus: Divinity, Humanity and Mission
Seven Words (Part 1)
Seven Words (Part II)
Jn. 12
St. Maria Goretti
Glorification through Humiliation
St. Philip
Old Ruler/New Ruler
Jn. 13
Washing the Feet
Holy Oils
The Sin of Judas
Institution of the Eucharist
Agony in the Garden
Tenebrae (Darkness)
Tenebrae on Holy Thursday
New Commandment
The People of God
To Love is to Forgive
Receiving the Eucharist [Code of Cannon Law]
Jn. 14
The Way, The Truth, The Life (Part 1)
The Way, The Truth, The Life (Part 2)
Show us the Father
There are many rooms
Keep His Commandments
The Advocate
Life in Christ
Liberation: We are Free!
Peace: Unity in One
Ten Teachings
Jn. 15
Vine and Branches
AMDG – Glory to God by becoming a disciple
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Jn. 16
Holy Spirit
Spirit of Truth
The Power of Pentecost
Confirmation: Personal Pentecost
Confirmation: Completes Baptismal Grace
Confirmation: The Gift of Strength
Patron Saints
What does Confirmation do for me?
Jn. 17
Priestly Prayer
Perfect Unity
Ecumenism: Unity Between Christ's followers
Ecumenism (Part 2)
Jn. 18
Christ's Kingship
Fullness of Truth (Part 1)
Fullness of Truth (Part 2)
The Four Marks of the Church (Introduction)
The Four Marks of the Church "One"
The Four Marks of the Church "Holy"
The Four Marks of the Church "Catholic"
The Four Marks of the Church "Apostolic"
Jn. 20
Presence of Christ
The Third Day [Dawn]
The Third Day [Day, Evening and Night]
Christ Brings the Light
Easter: The Center of the Liturgical Year
Resurrection: The Center of Our Faith
Divine Mercy Sunday
For the sake of… (Old Testament)
For the sake of… (New Testament)
Doubting Thomas
Saint Pope John Paul II
War and Peace
40+ Lessons
The Sign of the Cross
Advent: Happy New Year!
Advent Wreaths
The Holy Family: The Perfect Example for Families and Marriages
Family: The Original Cell
Our Duties as Parents and Children
Overview of Islam
Jesus vs. Muhammad
Islam and Peace
Saint Dominic
Dominican Religious Habit
Saint Paul's Journeys
Letter's of Saint Paul [Part I]
Letter's of Saint Paul [Part II]
The Shroud of Turin
Physical Meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries
The Seven Last Words and the Mass
Blind Stations of the Cross
St. Teresa of Avila
The Ascent of the Soul
Tradition: Eucharistic Quotes from Generation to Generation
Reception of the Eucharist: A Brief History
Reception of the Eucharist: Gestures & Unity
Saint Cecilia
Sacred vs. Secular Music
Sacred Music: The Church’s Treasure
Sacred Music: Purpose and Qualities
Active Participation
Gregorian Chant: Pride of Place
Musical Instruments in the Mass
Latin or Not?
Sacred Music: Religious Singing
Gospel of Life
Abortion (Intro)
Abortion (Part 1)
Abortion (Part 2)
Abortion (Part 3)
Life of Christ Course
Nativity of the Lord
Presentation in the Temple
Finding in the Temple
Baptism of the Lord
Wedding at Cana
Proclamation of the Kingdom
The Transfiguration of the Lord
Institution of the Eucharist
Crowning of Thorns
Carrying of the Cross
Crucifixion of our Lord
Resurrection of our Lord
Ascension of our Lord
Descent of the Holy Spirit
Liturgical Year Course
Self Study Questions
Eternal Exchange of Love
Salvation History
The Lame Shall L.E.A.P.
The Baptism of the Lord
Wedding at Cana
Beatitudes / Sin
Good Teacher (Commandments)
Save Us From Our Sins
The Bread of Life
Seven Last Words
The First Day
The Nature of the Church
Power of Pentecost
The Temptation of Christ
The Jesus Retreat
The Living Water
The True Light
Life & Resurrection
The Sacraments
Renunciation of Sin
Anointing after Baptism
Clothing of the White Garment
Lighted Candle
Holy Sacrifice
John 6
Mass & Calvary
Mass & Oblation
Presence of Christ
Making a Good Confession
Receiving Holy Communion
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders
Divine Liturgy (The Mass)
Divine Liturgy (Sacred Music)
Mary, Mother of God
Discipleship - Mark 8-12
Culture of Life
Chastity 2352
Introduction & Chastity Chart
Roles of Masculinity & Femininity
Gift of Self
Dating (Part I)
Dating (Part II)
Marriage: Permanent, Exclusive, and Procreative
Sex: Its place and purpose
Attacks on sex, love, and marriage
Pornography (Part I)
Pornography (Part II)
Totus Tuus (Totally Yours)
This Is My Body
Other Websites
Link to Liturgy Online School
Lectio on the Go! - Gospel Guide
Men's Crosswalk Pilgrimage
2025 - 12th Annual Walk
Gospel Resources: Fast. Free. Faithful.
About Us
Remnant Band
Cycle A [2026]
Ordinary Time [2-12]
Ordinary Time [13-23]
Ordinary Time [24-34]
Holy Week & Triduum
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Cycle B [2027]
Ordinary Time [2-12]
Ordinary Time [13-23]
Ordinary Time [24-34]
Holy Week & Triduum
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Cycle C [2025]
Ordinary Time [2-12]
Ordinary Time [13-23]
Ordinary Time [24-34]
Holy Week & Triduum
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Tridentine Lectionary
Time after Pentecost
Sts. Peter & Paul (June 29)
Exaltation of the Cross (Sept. 14)
Guardian Angels (Oct. 2)
All Saints (Nov. 1)
All Souls (Nov. 2)
Presentation of the Lord (Feb. 2)
Cycle A [2026]
Ordinary Time [2-12]
Ordinary Time [13-23]
Ordinary Time [24-34]
Holy Week & Triduum
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Cycle B [2027]
Ordinary Time [2-12]
Ordinary Time [13-23]
Ordinary Time [24-34]
Holy Week & Triduum
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Cycle C [2025]
Ordinary Time [2-12]
Ordinary Time [13-23]
Ordinary Time [24-34]
Holy Week & Triduum
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Sts. Peter & Paul (June 29)
Exaltation of the Cross (Sept. 14)
Guardian Angels (Oct. 2)
All Saints (Nov. 1)
Matthew (A/V)
St. Matthew Audio Series
Mt. 1 (A/V)
Mt. 2 (A/V)
Mt. 3 (A/V)
Mt. 4 (A/V)
Mt. 5 (A/V)
Mt. 6 (A/V)
Mt. 7 (A/V)
Mt. 11 (A/V)
Mt. 13 (A/V)
Mt. 14 (A/V)
Mt. 15 (A/V)
Mt. 16 (A/V)
Mt. 17 (A/V)
Mt. 18 (A/V)
Mt. 20 (A/V)
Mt. 21 (A/V)
Mt. 22 (A/V)
Mt. 24 (A/V)
Mt. 25 (A/V)
Mt. 27 (A/V)
Mt. 28 (A/V)
Mark (A/V)
St. Mark Audio Series
Mk. 1 (A/V)
Mk. 4 (A/V)
Mk. 5 (A/V)
Mk. 6 (A/V)
Mk. 7 (A/V)
Mk. 8 (A/V)
Mk. 9 (A/V)
Mk. 10 (A/V)
Mk. 12 (A/V)
Mk. 13 (A/V)
Mk. 14 (A/V)
Mk. 16 (A/V)
Luke (A/V)
St. Luke Audio Series
Lk. 1 (A/V)
Lk. 2 (A/V)
Lk. 3 [A/V]
Lk. 4 (A/V)
Lk. 5 (A/V)
Lk. 7 (A/V)
Lk. 9 (A/V)
Lk. 10 (A/V)
Lk. 12 (A/V)
Lk. 13 (A/V)
Lk. 14 (A/V)
Lk. 15 (A/V)
Lk. 16 (A/V)
Lk. 17 (A/V)
Lk. 18 (A/V)
Lk. 19 (A/V)
Lk. 20 (A/V)
Lk. 21 (A/V)
Lk. 23 (A/V)
Lk. 24 (A/V)
John (A/V)
St. John Audio Series
Jn. 1 (A/V)
Jn. 2 (A/V)
Jn. 3 (A/V)
Jn. 4 (A/V)
Jn. 6 (A/V)
Jn. 8 (A/V)
Jn. 9 (A/V)
Jn. 10 (A/V)
Jn. 11 (A/V)
Jn. 12 (A/V)
Jn. 13 (A/V)
Jn. 14 (A/V)
Jn. 15 (A/V)
Jn. 16 (A/V)
Jn. 18 (A/V)
Jn. 19 (A/V)
Jn. 20 (A/V)
Misc. (A/V)
10+ Videos
Scripture: LESSONS
Mt. 1
Mt. 2
Mt. 3
Mt. 4
Mt. 5
Mt. 6
Mt. 7
Mt. 11
Mt. 13
Mt. 14
Mt. 15
Mt. 16
Mt. 17
Mt. 18
Mt. 20
Mt. 21
Mt. 22
Mt. 23
Mt. 24
Mt. 25
Mt. 26
Mt. 27
Mt. 28
Mk. 1
Mk. 2
Mk. 3
Mk. 4
Mk. 5
Mk. 6
Mk. 7
Mk. 8
Mk. 9
Mk. 10
Mk. 12
Mk. 13
Mk. 16
Lk. 1
Lk. 2
Lk. 3
Lk. 4
Lk. 5
Lk. 7
Lk. 9
Lk. 10
Lk. 11
Lk. 12
Lk. 13
Lk. 14
Lk. 15
Lk. 16
Lk. 17
Lk. 18
Lk. 19
Lk. 20
Lk. 21
Lk. 23
Lk. 24
Jn. 1
Jn. 2
Jn. 3
Jn. 4
Jn. 6
Jn. 8
Jn. 9
Jn. 10
Jn. 11
Jn. 12
Jn. 13
Jn. 14
Jn. 15
Jn. 16
Jn. 17
Jn. 18
Jn. 20
40+ Lessons
Life of Christ Course
Liturgical Year Course
The Jesus Retreat
The Sacraments
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders
Divine Liturgy (The Mass)
Divine Liturgy (Sacred Music)
Mary, Mother of God
Discipleship - Mark 8-12
Culture of Life
Chastity 2352
This Is My Body
Other Websites
Link to Liturgy Online School
Lectio on the Go! - Gospel Guide
Men's Crosswalk Pilgrimage
2025 - 12th Annual Walk
Mortal & Venial Sin
Matthew (A/V)
St. Matthew Audio Series
Mt. 1 (A/V)
Mt. 2 (A/V)
Mt. 3 (A/V)
Mt. 4 (A/V)
Mt. 5 (A/V)
Mt. 6 (A/V)
Mt. 7 (A/V)
Mt. 11 (A/V)
Mt. 13 (A/V)
Mt. 14 (A/V)
Mt. 15 (A/V)
Mt. 16 (A/V)
Mt. 17 (A/V)
Mt. 18 (A/V)
Mt. 20 (A/V)
Mt. 21 (A/V)
Mt. 22 (A/V)
Mt. 24 (A/V)
Mt. 25 (A/V)
Mt. 27 (A/V)
Mt. 28 (A/V)
Mark (A/V)
St. Mark Audio Series
Mk. 1 (A/V)
Mk. 4 (A/V)
Mk. 5 (A/V)
Mk. 6 (A/V)
Mk. 7 (A/V)
Mk. 8 (A/V)
Mk. 9 (A/V)
Mk. 10 (A/V)
Mk. 12 (A/V)
Mk. 13 (A/V)
Mk. 14 (A/V)
Mk. 16 (A/V)
Luke (A/V)
St. Luke Audio Series
Lk. 1 (A/V)
Lk. 2 (A/V)
Lk. 3 [A/V]
Original Sin
Mortal & Venial Sin
Prepare the Way
The Lame Shall L.E.A.P.
Preparing for the Coming of Christ
Are You In The House?
Whoever is in Christ is a New Creation
Lk. 4 (A/V)
Lk. 5 (A/V)
Lk. 7 (A/V)
Lk. 9 (A/V)
Lk. 10 (A/V)
Lk. 12 (A/V)
Lk. 13 (A/V)
Lk. 14 (A/V)
Lk. 15 (A/V)
Lk. 16 (A/V)
Lk. 17 (A/V)
Lk. 18 (A/V)
Lk. 19 (A/V)
Lk. 20 (A/V)
Lk. 21 (A/V)
Lk. 23 (A/V)
Lk. 24 (A/V)
John (A/V)
St. John Audio Series
Jn. 1 (A/V)
Jn. 2 (A/V)
Jn. 3 (A/V)
Jn. 4 (A/V)
Jn. 6 (A/V)
Jn. 8 (A/V)
Jn. 9 (A/V)
Jn. 10 (A/V)
Jn. 11 (A/V)
Jn. 12 (A/V)
Jn. 13 (A/V)
Jn. 14 (A/V)
Jn. 15 (A/V)
Jn. 16 (A/V)
Jn. 18 (A/V)
Jn. 19 (A/V)
Jn. 20 (A/V)
Misc. (A/V)
10+ Videos