“those who deny that there is a resurrection”
In the time of Jesus as well as now, there are those who deny that the body will be resurrected. Jesus said to the Sadducees that they “know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.” If a person understands scripture and the power of God, they will come to an understanding of the faith as stated in the eleventh article of the Apostles Creed. The eleventh article of the Creed states that we believe in the “resurrection of the body” It is only by the power of God that a body can be raised from death to life and this power is attested to in Scripture. “Although the New Testament does not know the expression ‘resurrection of the body’ (which appears for the first time in St. Clement, 2 Clem 9:1, and in Justin, Dial. 80.5), but uses the expression ‘resurrection of the dead,” intending by it man in his integrity, it is nevertheless possible to find in many tests of the New Testament faith in the immortality of the soul and its existence also apart from the body.” [i][i] Venerable Pope John Paul II, General Audience of November 18, 1981; 65.2
[ii] Fr. John Hardon, S.J., Basic Catholic Catechism Course; page 40
[iii] Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar
[iv] Saint John Chrysostom