“To what shall we compare the kingdom of God”
We read in the first reading from the prophet Ezekiel, the prophecy from God that He will lift the lowly and set them high on the mountaintop. In the Gospel reading we hear Jesus proclaiming the kingdom of God while small, like the remnants of Israel, will grow to be the largest. Jesus uses the analogy of the mustard seed, which is the smallest seed but becomes the largest bush. In our present time we do not know exactly everything with regards to how the judgment will happen, but we do have the advantage of seeing salvation history played out. We know the spoiler already; Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead, and He will come again.
How has the kingdom been revealed? The kingdom has been revealed through Christ. It was stated in today’s first reading that the kingdom of God would be set apart and grow. Before Christ came into this world God was proclaiming it through His prophets and His chosen people. The Old Testament is the story of the coming salvation of Jesus Christ. It is by Jesus’ obedience to the Father’s will that He has been highly exalted and His kingdom grows to this day. (Cf. Phil. 2:6-8)
Why did the kingdom of God grow? The kingdom of God grew because it was planted and supported by God. The Catholic Church in human terms should have not and frankly could not have succeeded all by itself. Think of the greatest bands, businesses, countries, etc. and think how they have risen and fallen in the course of time. Many of those bands, businesses, countries, etc. collapsed because of the greed, selfishness and pride that fell between them. The first apostles could never have dreamed or thought of what the Church would become! They “walked by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7) as Saint Paul said in the second reading.
How did the kingdom of God grow so large? The kingdom of God continues to grow because of the people who live in the kingdom and serve God. The Responsorial Psalm speaks of the just flourishing in the house of the Lord. (Cf. Ps. 92:13-14) In our culture today we tend to think very individualistically. We only think of how we can get ahead or how we did something on our own. In the kingdom of God we realize that it is not about our individual self; it is about Him. We must be obedient to God’s will and conform our will to His. This doesn’t mean we should be robots. On the contrary. If in the first place, we use the talents and gifts that God has given to us, and then listen to Him on how we should use the gifts, then we can be fully alive! We can help grow the kingdom of God.
Discussion Questions
Discuss any gifts or talents that each has to help grow the kingdom of God?
Discuss various ways people can or have been destructive towards the kingdom of God?
Discuss a time when various persons allowed God to take control of their life and the positive outcome.