The Totus Tuus prayer is a shorter consecration to Mary and was prayed by Saint John Paul II daily. This song is tri-lingual (English, Spanish, Latin) and was submitted by Remnant to secure our spot playing at World Youth Day 2005 (Cologne, Germany)
The “Totus Tuus” (Totally Yours) prayer, which Saint John Paul the Great wrote and recited daily is a great example of how to give the gift of yourself to God. This prayer, which is a prayer to the Blessed Mother, the perfect model of chastity, unites our words with the very words Mary, and our actions with her humble and submissive actions. This prayer, which is a consecration to Christ through the loving and pure hands of Our Lady, is also an examination of conscience, in which we can truly understand if we are fully surrendering the gift of our self.
[M]ary is the model of [p]erseverance, [p]rayer and [p]urity. We can remember MP3 (Mary, Perseverance, Prayer, and Purity).
I belong to you entirely
Spiritually do I belong entirely to God? Do I allow my soul which was created to know, love and serve God to actually know God more, love God more and serve God more? Do I embrace my Faith that God has given me enabling me to believe and follow the teachings of Christ and His Church?
Physically do I belong to God? Do I use my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit? Do I use my physically abilities to glorify God? Is God able to use my body as a vessel to accomplish His holy will?
Intellectually do I belong to God? How often do I think of God? Do I use the gift of Faith to learn more about how God has revealed Himself to Me? Is God on my mind?
Do I belong to God in my creativeness and communication? God is the Father and creator of all, do I imitate God and create good things in my life or do I do the opposite of creation, which is ciaos? Saint Dominic said speak to God or of God. Do I communicate with God? When I communicate with others do I speak about God?
Emotionally do I belong to God? Let’s look at the beatitudes. Do I hunger and thirst for God? Emotionally do I need God more than anything else? Do I depend on Him more than anything else? Do I want Him more than anything else?
And all that I possess is yours
Spiritually do I give my soul to God? Is God truly able to mold my soul? Does He possess my soul?
Physically do I give all my physical / material possessions to God? All that I possess. Think of all that I possess? My TV, computer, car, music, talents, all that stuff, even my most prized possession. Does God posses that stuff and do I allow Him to use it for His Glory? What if He was to ask me to get rid of it?
Intellectually does God possess my mind? My thoughts? Does He posses the things I study, my dreams, my hopes that run through my mind?
Does God possess my creativity and communication? Is God able to use my mind and talents to create good things for others and for others? Do I allow God to create in me His perfect will? Does He possess my tongue? Is God able to use me as a mouth piece to spread His message of Truth?
Emotionally does God possess my whole being? Do I give Him my fears and trust Him? Does He possess the desire of my heart?
I bring you into all that is mine
Do I bring God into my spiritual life? My soul is eternal? Do I welcome God into my life on a eternal basis or just a temporary as needed basis? When I receive the Sacraments do I truly bring Christ, truly presence in the Sacraments into my life? Do I bring Him into my soul? Is the door of my heart open?
Do I bring God into my physically life? Do I bring God into my school? Do I bring God into my physically activities, which include everything? Do I bring God into my work, my family, my relationships?
Do I bring God into intellectual life? Do I bring God into my mind? Do I think about God and the things of God? Do I truly enter into the mysteries of the Faith?
Do I bring God into my creativity and communication? In all that I create and am asked to create at work, school, etc. do I bring God into my creations? Do I give God glory for the things we create? Do I bring God into my conversations? Do I share with others the truth of God?
Do I bring God into my emotions? When I express my feelings does God have a part in it? Do I bring God into situations that stress me out, that give me fear, that cause me to doubt?
Give me your heart Mary.
If you do not have the answers to these questions, it is time to enter the “school of the gift of self”. By entering the “school of the gift of self”, not only will you answer these and other questions, but in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, you will learn to give the gift of your self to God.